Innovative all-in-one tester for your colonies
The Varroa Tester was developed according to the recommendations of the European Food Safety Authority.
To keep bee colonies healthy, one must be able to correctly assess the stress situation in one's hive. This requires repeated diagnosis by the beekeeper. Depending on the time, the following different methods are useful.

Easy to use

Fast Testing

Bee Friendly
Varroa management is essential for successful beekeeping.Our VarroaTester helps you to check the Varroa infestation on the adult bees (phoretic mites). We recommend the sugar shake-test as it is bee-friendly and fallen mites are easy to see in the white powdered sugar.
Sugar Shake-Test
- For the test, collect approx. 300 bees from the brood nest with one cup of the VarroaTester - the cup should be filledup to the edge with bees.
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of powdered sugar into the other cup and close the VarroaTester.
- Shake for 1-2 minutes.
- Open the second cup and empty the sugar onto a white sheet of paper and count the mites.
- Open the first cup and carefully shake the bees backinto the hive.
- See step 1 Sugar Shake-Test.
- Close the container.
- Fill the container with CO2 until the bees are paralysedand shake it for 1-2 minutes.
- Open the second container and count the fallen mites.
- See step 5 Sugar Shake-Test.
In addition, you can do the Alcohol Wash-Test and test the hygienic behavior of the bees